
Tissue Mapping Services

Tissue Mapping Services

Different cell types in tissues underlie intercellular communication, organ function, and pathology, and the spatial system of different cell types in tissues fundamentally shapes cellular interactions and functions, but high-throughput spatial mapping of complex tissues remains a challenge. However, emerging spatial multi-omics technologies based on transcriptome and genome offer more possibilities to characterize complex tissue structures.

We offer tissue mapping services

Spatial omics technologies hold considerable promise for tissue resolution and mapping and interpretation of cell function, type, and state. CD Genomics aims to combine spatial omics technologies to create and map comprehensive tissue atlases, and we have prepared different solutions, including gene expression solutions in tissue sections, tissue micro-region retrieval services, and multi-parametric tissue analysis services to help clients map cell types and track cell signaling from three aspects, thus helping to guide in vitro tissue engineering research.

How we achieved tissue mapping

CD Genomics integrates single cell and spatial histology to proactively address the problem of mapping numerous cell types in different complex tissues in situ for our clients. We pair single-nucleus and spatial RNA sequencing datasets to map cell types and identify tissue regions in an automated manner to comprehensively map cell types in tissue in situ, predict cell interactions, and enable tissue mapping.

The key principles are to use microarrays or bead arrays to locate and capture mRNA from thin tissue sections, to identify cell types and determine cell populations based on single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) datasets in isolated tissues, and finally to map identified cell types in situ to their tissue locations based on spatial transcriptomes.

Challenges and advantages

Defining universal and broadly applicable spatial omics technologies and workflows remains a recent focus and a major challenge for CD Genomics. However, our solution for our customers has excelled in terms of accuracy and comprehensiveness, and we have learned of its usefulness by conducting multiple real-world projects for our customers and collecting extensive customer feedback.

  • Enables single-cell resolution
  • The ability for unbiased cell-type characterization
  • High throughput data acquisition and accurate spatial location mapping

This gives us the ability to offer our customers more demanding services based on basic technology, such as defining a completely new protocol or creating a widely applicable process. But it is not worth your worry, because of the variability and specificity of organizations, we recommend our clients to use customized service solutions, and the processes and content shown now can be adapted to your requirements, CD Genomics has an experienced and competent team to reach the project details for you.

For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.

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